Welcome to the SHA PTA!

We have many exciting events and activities planned for the upcoming school year. The SHA PTA is an important service organization made up of parents and staff members who together collaborate to achieve the best educational experience for our children. Becoming a member of SHA PTA is easy! Members must attend PTA meetings once a month to help plan upcoming events. Please email to be added to the WhatsApp members group.

With the help of our dedicated parent volunteers and the SHA PTA funds, the SHA PTA organizes the school’s Lunch Program, Academic Calendar,  Enhanced Judaic Book Fair, Rosh Chodesh activities for students, Rosh Hashana Event, Parsha Noach Event, Picture Day, Thanksgiving Event, Chanukah Celebration, Tu B’Shvat Experience, Purim Carnival or Show, Fundraisers, Yom Ha’Atzmaut Experience, Lag B’Omer Fun Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, Shavuot Ice Cream Shop, Parent Social Nights, Chanukkah or Spring Boutique and much more. Furthermore, PTA provides funds for Capital Improvements to both campuses. For example, in 2023 PTA sponsored new play equipment including an indoor playground and rock climbing structure for the Preschool as well as the brand new beautiful mural that greets you as you enter the lobby of the Cuttermill Campus.

All of these sponsored SHA PTA activities and events are only made possible with the help of parental involvement in our children’s education and the paid PTA dues.  This is why the SHA PTA encourages and asks parents to consider becoming an active and integral part of our children’s education by volunteering and paying their PTA dues! Get involved and support the SHA PTA so more innovative programs and activities can be created for our children!

SHA PTA DUES and Teach/Staff GIFTS

The PTA collects mandatory dues each year to help fund all the special activities to enhance our children’s educational experience. This year dues are $75 PER FAMILY. Gifts are collected by class moms for the teachers and staff before Chanukkah and towards the end of the year. It is important that our teachers and staff know how much we appreciate their tremendous efforts and hard work in teaching, nurturing, and caring for our children. If you have any questions regarding PTA DUES and GIFTS please contact the PTA via email,


The SHA PTA encourages and needs parents to get involved with their children’s educational experience at the Silverstein Hebrew Academy.  We welcome all volunteers and suggestions. Please sign up to help the PTA at the following link:


The class moms play an important role as the liaison between the SHA PTA and all of the parents in the school.  There are two class moms for each class. The class moms are responsible for notifying parents about any upcoming SHA PTA events and activities in the school.  The SHA PTA would like to thank the class moms for volunteering and communicating with the rest of the families in the Silverstein Hebrew Academy!

What We Teach

Our Programs

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